Volunteer Jobs

Below is an explanation of the various volunteer roles that need to be filled for our all-school musical to be successful.  Certain volunteer roles (indicated below) qualify to request one of their student’s Participation Fees waived.

First Come, First Choice. Every family that is participating in the musical is encouraged to volunteer 8 hours over the course of the production, including four hours at the Tech Work Day. The sign-ups for volunteer jobs are on a first come, first signed basis. If you have a specific role you’d like to play, sign up as soon as possible to ensure your preferred job. 

“But I want to see the show!” Yes, several jobs require working during the performances, however all volunteers will have at least one performance where they get to be an audience member. The schedules of which committee members work which nights will be decided among committee members when we get closer to performance dates.

Note: If you prefer not to use the online system, please email Play Chair Mary Reed (maryloewenreed@gmail.com) and indicate your interest and availability and you will be contacted regarding your preferred volunteer position availability.

Volunteer Coordinators

This is the most important role at the beginning of the process of producing a school musical. Someone who knows the parents at our school and is good at getting people to do things would be well suited for this job. This role will manage online volunteer sign-up and time tracking websites as well as paper sign-in sheets at rehearsals and work days. Requires ability to follow up with interested parents and community members to ensure all necessary jobs are filled. Approx. 60 hour commitment for one coordinator or 30 hour for two. (This job qualifies to have one student's fees refunded.)

Available Spots
1 remaining:  
Costume Chair

Thrift store scouring skills a must, but sewing skills are welcome too! This is partly a creative job, and partly a job of organization. You will coordinate a team of folks to make this fun and crucial element successful. This job includes supporting the “Stagecraft” after-school enrichment class with instruction and projects, as well as any theatrical makeup during performances that may be needed. Team will meet multiple times leading up to performances. Working during performances is required. Approx. 10-24 hour commitment. (This job qualifies to have one student's fees refunded.)

Available Spots
Costume Committee

Thrift store scouring skills a must, but sewing skills are welcome too! This is partly a creative job, and partly a job of organization. We need a team of folks to make this fun and crucial element successful. This job includes supporting the “Stagecraft” after-school enrichment class with instruction and projects, as well as any theatrical makeup during performances that may be needed. Team will meet multiple times leading up to performances. Working during performances is required. Approx. 10-24 hour commitment.

Available Spots
Set/Props Committee Chair

Carpenters! Builders! Artists! Ideally, we will have students performing as much of this as possible, but we need volunteers who are able to assist. This volunteer and supporting committee will take the director's vision for the scenes and create it from sheets, cardboard and whatever other material they think will work. Team will meet multiple times leading up to performances. Attendance at Tech Work Day is required. Approx. 10-20 hour commitment. (This job qualifies to have one student's fees refunded.)

Available Spots
1 remaining:  
Set/Props Committee

Carpenters! Builders! Artists! Ideally, we will have students performing as much of this as possible, but we need volunteers who are able to assist. This committee will take the director's vision for the scenes and create it from sheets, cardboard and whatever other material they think will work. Team will meet multiple times leading up to performances. Attendance at Tech Work Day is required. Approx. 10-20 hour commitment.

Available Spots
4 remaining:  
Program Coordinators

Responsible for selling ads in the musical program to Mission families and local businesses, as well as designing and producing the musical program.  Approx. 6-10 hours.

Available Spots
3 remaining:  
Ticket, Box Office, and Ushers Coordination

Working with a team, organize and implement online ticket sales to musical families and then the greater Mission community. At least a few on the team will need to be available to sell tickets at the door (if show is not sold out.) This team also serves as ushers for performances, and we can also have “junior ushers” from the tech crew to support. Approx. 8 - 12 hours commitment.

Available Spots
Green Room Supervisor

This is a one or two performance commitment to plan quiet activities and supervise the students while they are not onstage (Supervision time is approx. 3 hrs.) Green Room Supervisors usually plan coloring pages, movies, etc., and provide these for the students to pass the time.

Available Spots
Sound Support

Someone who can support the sound tech from STC and also work with the tech crew student(s) in charge of running sound during the show. This job requires you to be at all tech week rehearsals and performances.

Available Spots
Lighting Support

Someone who can support the lighting tech from STC and also support the tech crew student(s) running lights during the show. This job requires you to be at all tech week rehearsals and performances.

Available Spots
2 remaining:  
Cast Party Chair

Working within the budget provided, chair and committee members will plan and produce the cast party on the last night after the performance.  This includes producing the cast gift (a little something that every child who participates gets as a momento) organizing the musical families for décor and food.  Also plan and procure the gifts for key volunteers and our professional musical staff. Most of the work comes near the end of rehearsals, though on party night, (last performance) don’t plan on being in the audience. Approx. 8-24 hour commitment. (This job qualifies to have one student's fees refunded.)

Available Spots
1 remaining:  
Cast Party Committee Member

Working within the budget provided, this team will plan and produce the cast party on the last night after the performance.  This includes producing the cast gift (a little something that every child who participates gets as a momento) organizing the musical families for décor and food.  Also plan and procure the gifts for key volunteers and our Directing team. Most of the work comes near the end of rehearsals, though on party night, (last performance) don’t plan on being in the audience.  Approx. 8-24 hour commitment. 

Available Spots

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

Thank you for all you do!

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

- Jennifer Boulanger

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jennifer Boulanger

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids!