February PTA Meeting at 6:30pm – Zoom Only

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

The Mission PTA meets the first Tuesday of the month on Zoom Only tonight! See link below. Meeting starts promptly at 6:30pm via Zoom. We hope you can join us. Whether you're looking to connect with other families, find opportunities to volunteer in our school community, or just stay in the loop, this meeting is for you! All Mission families 

March PTA Meeting at 6:30pm (Social at 6pm)

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

The Mission PTA meets the first Tuesday of the month in Room E1 (Mr. Prichard's classroom), with a zoom option available! We will be hearing from our nominations committee and taking nomination suggestions this meeting so you don't want to miss it! We'll be in-person at 6pm to mingle with our Mission Community. Meeting starts promptly at 6:30pm. We hope 

Campus Beautification Day at 9am

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Join us for our annual Campus Beautification Day Trimming and clean-up of PTA installed landscaping and garden areas Email president@missionpta.org if you can join! Sign-Up Genius coming soon 

Kona Ice at Mission After School

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Kona Ice at Mission Avenue Open from 11:55am-12:55pm.

Sign Up Deadline for Free Earth Day Tree

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

We are partnering with @NeighborhoodForest to inspire youth environmentalism and green our community! Parents/Guardians, please sign your child up to receive a free tree this Earth Day by filling out a short form at the following URL or scan the QR code above. www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/?school=97410 Sign ups are open now through March 15th. Tree saplings will be sent home with students 

Smashburger Dine and Donate 11am-9pm

Smashburger 2565 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento, CA, United States

Join us for a Dine and Donate fundraiser at Smashburger from 11am-9pm.

April PTA Meeting at 6:30pm (Social at 6pm)

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

The Mission PTA meets the first Tuesday of the month in Room E1 (Mr. Prichard's classroom), with a zoom option available! Nominations Committee will be announcing nominations so you don't want to miss it! We'll be in-person at 6pm to mingle with our Mission Community. Meeting starts promptly at 6:30pm. We hope you can join us. Whether you're looking to connect with