Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day

Mission North Park 3344 Mission Avenue, Carmichael, CA, United States

Mission Avenue Open School is participating in National Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day on Wednesday, October 9! All Mission families are invited to join us Mission North Park at 8:00 am as we head for school at 8:15 am. (We will meet at the corner of Mission Avenue and North Avenue, NOT up by the parking lot/playground.) The 

Fall Carnival 1-5pm

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Every fall, the Mission PTA hosts its annual Fall Carnival. Each grade hosts and staffs booths–including the ever popular cake walk–and community members set up tables to showcase their wares. This is a fun, family friendly event that you don’t want to miss. There is no fee to attend, but tickets are required for most activities. More details to follow!

Booster Fun Run Day!

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

More details coming soon!

Auction Planning Meeting 10am


Join us for an Auction Planning Meeting via zoom on 11/17 at 10am! Learn about all things Auction and help with ideas and planning.   Zoom Link: Click Here

PTA Family Fun Event

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Join us for free pizza and a Magic Show!

Author Day

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca


Campus Beautification Day at 9am

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Join us for our annual Campus Beautification Day Trimming and clean-up of PTA installed landscaping and garden areas Email president@missionpta.org if you can join! Sign-Up Genius coming soon 

Sign Up Deadline for Free Earth Day Tree

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

We are partnering with @NeighborhoodForest to inspire youth environmentalism and green our community! Parents/Guardians, please sign your child up to receive a free tree this Earth Day by filling out a short form at the following URL or scan the QR code above. www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/?school=97410 Sign ups are open now through March 15th. Tree saplings will be sent home with students