Chipotle Dine and Donate 5-9pm

Chipotle 3328 El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA, United States

Join us for dinner at Chipotle for a Dine and Donate! Order online (for pickup only) using code RACJR3X or show this flyer in the restaurant.

Kona Ice at Mission After School

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Kona Ice at Mission Avenue Open from 3:25pm-4:25pm.

Kona Ice at Mission After School

Mission Avenue Open School 2925 Mission Ave, Carmichael, Ca

Kona Ice at Mission Avenue Open from 3:25pm-4:25pm.

River City Dine and Donate 11:30am-8pm

River City Brewing Company 6241 Fair Oaks Blvd, Suite G, Carmichael, CA, United States

Join us for lunch or dinner at River City Brewing Company for a Dine and Donate!

Papa Murphy’s Dine and Donate 11am-8pm

Papa Murphy's Arden Way 4340 Arden Way, Sacramento, United States

Join us for lunch or dinner from Papa Murphy's for a Dine and Donate! Mission will get 30% back from all orders. Here's how it works: PHONE AHEAD: To place an order, call 916-484-7272 and mention that you are with Mission Avenue Open School PTA before placing your order. ORDER ONLINE: If ordering online, please note you must choose the