Fun Run

MAO parents and families—something exciting is happening at our school, the biggest fundraiser of the year kicks off soon! The funds from this fundraiser are spread across all grades and go directly towards all our wonderful school field trips! 💻 Registration on MYBOOSTER.COM is open TODAY! Here is the Key Information to help you during the fundraiser: 💵Fundraising Goal: $20,000 🎁Fundraising 
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Our 2023 Dragon Dash was a success! We provided each of our classrooms $1,010 to use towards 2023-2024 field trips.
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MAO parents and families—something exciting is happening at our school, the biggest fundraiser of the year kicks off soon! 🗓 Mark your Calendars! You’re invited to help our school! 💻 Registration on MYBOOSTER.COM opens on 9/22 🏁 Fun Run Fundraiser starts off on 10/6 🎉 Fun Run Event Day on 10/17 Let’s go!
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Mission Avenue parents are needed on Friday, October 18th at the Apex run. Parents work for approximately 45 minutes marking laps on student t-shirts or handing out water. The K-3rd grade students will run at 9 am and the 4th-6th grade students will run at 10:30 am. If you can help support your child’s class, please send an e-mail to 
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On Tuesday, October 8, Apex will be back at Mission Avenue for a two week positive character development and leadership building program. Apex is an interactive program that helps schools all over the country raise money, while promoting leadership, good character and fitness. Our students will raise pledges for the Fun Run scheduled for Friday, October 18. During the Apex 
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