PTA Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Mission Avenue Open Elementary PTA are:

To Serve as a Bridge between Parents and Staff:

  • Facilitate communication between parents, staff and principal.
  • Welcome new families to Mission through our Back to School Social, Back to School Tea, and PTA Meetings.
  • As a PTA Board, provide structure and leadership to our school community.

Site Improvements:

  • Provide a safe playground with field improvements as necessary.
  • Update our multi-purpose (MP) room so students can learn, create and perform.
  • Support modern technology in our classrooms.


  • Coordinate and recruit an Executive Board, committee chairpersons, class representatives and volunteers.

Character Development:

  • Promote students’ sense of responsibility, citizenship, self-care and compassion through special events and traditions.
  • Support Mission’s Student Leadership Team in their endeavors.

Keeping Kids Safe:

  • Support programs that promote healthy choices and the well being of children.

School Spirit:

  • Promote school spirit and pride through the sale of spiritwear.

Coming Together as a Community:

  • Celebrate and enjoy the school community through events such as Back to School Social, Back to School Tea, Opening Unit Culmination Day, Carnival, Storybook Costume Parade, Mission Auction, Open House and the End of the Year BBQ.
  • Create an emotional investment in our school through events and celebrations.

Student Enrichment:

  • Enrich the learning environment for all students through programs such as Reflections, Family Nights, Book Fair, Library donations (books), support of Biennial Musical and other PTA supported programs.

Support Teachers and Staff:

  • Work collaboratively with school staff.
  • Continue to support teachers with our annual stipend.
  • Honor our teachers and staff on Teacher Appreciation Day.

Keep Fundraising Simple and Effective:

  • Utilize fundraising that is effective and efficient. These include PTA Membership, Biennial Auction, Read-a-Thon, Jog-a-Thon, Grants and Donations.

Advocate for our Children:

  • Provide parent education through PTA events and other sources.
  • Be advocates at the District Level and beyond.

Review and Evaluation of PTA Programs:

  • Continually review and evaluate the relevance of our current PTA programs.
  • Create, propose and implement PTA programs that address the evolving need of our changing student population.

We expect that through the culmination of these PTA Goals and Objectives, Mission Avenue will be a school that excels in the academic standards and provides a learning environment that fosters a well-rounded child. We hope that our students’ experiences at Mission prepare them for the future.

Thank you for all you do!

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

- Jennifer Boulanger

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jennifer Boulanger

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

Steps above the rest

Mission Avenue Open School is 100 steps above the rest. Students learn more than we thought possible! Amazing field trips and learning. Most teachers are amazing!

- Mindy Richman Narvaez

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Mindy Richman Narvaez

Mission Avenue Open School is 100 steps above the rest. Students learn more than we thought possible! Amazing field trips and learning. Most teachers are amazing!

Mission Magic Is Real

Mission Magic is real... my kids have enjoyed all the special experiences at Mission. They are growing up surrounded by a staff and community who value developing young people to be well-rounded, hands-on, curious learners and quality citizens who will take care of themselves and the world around them.

- Jenn Koerner

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jenn Koerner

Mission Magic is real… my kids have enjoyed all the special experiences at Mission. They are growing up surrounded by a staff and community who value developing young people to be well-rounded, hands-on, curious learners and quality citizens who will take care of themselves and the world around them.
Mission Avenue Open School PTA