PTA Class Representatives

One of the most important roles on the PTA is the “class representative.” Every grade level needs at least one official Class Rep who will be the liaison between PTA and their grade level families (ideally we will have one rep per classroom). Responsibilities include relaying PTA updates via email, coordinating teacher/staff appreciation week, coordinating the class auction donation (in an auction year), and helping PTA ensure our teachers feel supported and appreciated. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, please email

PTA Class Rep Liaison:

Shauna Chatters

You can reach the PTA Class Rep Liaison at

2024-2025 PTA Class Representatives:

LivermoreKindergartenNatalie Oceguera
McAllisterKindergartenFaith Stevens
Danel1st gradeElena Ten
Winston1st gradeBrenda Pauli
Lower2nd gradeJennifer Simmons
Rausch2nd gradeAmy Blumberg James
Lang3rd gradeTravis Chatters
Marquez3rd gradeKelleighe Dorris
Montiel3rd gradeKaty Giammona
MacKay4th gradeJennifer Simmons
Sidebotham4th gradeValerie Harper
Anderson5th gradeSamantha Sidebotham
Burlando5th gradeNicole Kozycz
Prichard6th grade
van den Enden6th gradeKelleighe Dorris
Mission Avenue Open School PTA

Thank you for all you do!

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

- Jennifer Boulanger

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jennifer Boulanger

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids!