Why is Mission Special?

Hands-on Learning

From the moment children enter kindergarten at Mission they are taught in an interactive environment. Teacher led instruction is followed by experiential activities that reinforce the concepts taught. Additional reinforcement occurs through the many field trip opportunities provided to Mission students. The intended depth of learning is only achieved with active parent participation, not only in the classroom but in the home as well.
Students at Mission are regularly given confidence building opportunities though classroom presentations and on stage performance. Beginning in Kindergarten children are encouraged to speak in front of their peers to share experiences and exhibit learned principals. The annual spring performance in Kindergarten is as much a learning experience as it is entertainment. This immediate exposure to public speaking provides a foundation of confidence in a safe environment. Each subsequent grade builds upon that confidence through incorporation of several projects requiring oral presentations, as well as allowing students time in class to demonstrate their mastery of taught concepts.
In order to be successful, Mission teachers and staff partner with parents to create these opportunities. Your participation is integral to many of the activities that make Mission special.

Parent and Caregiver Participation

Parent and caregiver participation is a vital part of the open school experiential learning program at Mission Avenue. Parents and caregivers enhance the program by providing additional resources, skills and talents. While not required, parents and caregivers are encouraged to volunteer either on campus or off as often as possible. This involvement promotes small group instruction in the classroom, increases the parents’ and caregivers’ involvement in their children’s learning, and provides support to Mission traditions and events, allowing them to flourish. Check out the Helping Hands form for more information on ways you can contribute to your child’s educational experience at Mission.
Every grade at Mission depends heavily on parent and caregiver volunteers. During back-to-school night in August, families are given an opportunity to sign-up for position/s that best suit their talents and schedules. Teachers will provide and ask that parents and caregivers sign the Volunteer Agreement form. Visit San Juan School District’s website for the volunteer verification process.

Overnight Field Trips

Because learning doesn’t happen just in the classroom, field education experiences are an important part of the curriculum at Mission. Every grade level from 1st – 6th grade has at least one overnight field trip. These field trips are often life changing for our students who are pushed to grow, learn important character lessons and experience the complex beauty of the world outside their bubble. Last year, our big grade level field trips included:

  • K – Angel Island day trip
  • 1st – Sacramento Zoo Overnight
  • 2nd – Sierra Outdoor School
  • 3rd – Point Reyes
  • 4th – Malakoff Diggins
  • 5th – Marin Headlands
  • 6th – Sly Park

The Mission M

The Mission M is an iconic symbol of Mission Magic, and Mission families have for many years displayed the M on their cars to show their Mission pride. The Mission PTA provides a Mission M magnet to every family free of charge (and additional magnets can be purchased in the office). We hope you will see these M’s around town, and remember what a fabulous community we are!

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

Thank you for all you do!

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

- Jennifer Boulanger

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jennifer Boulanger

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids!