Mission Activities and Events

Below you will find some of the hallmark events of the Mission school year. Every single one of these events requires parent and caregiver volunteers. If you are interested in helping make the magic happen, email president@missionpta.org. You can also view the event calendar for upcoming events.

Meet the Teacher

The day before school begins, teachers and staff invite you to campus to meet your new teacher for the school year. Keep an eye out for an email from the school regarding details and social media posts from PTA. Students are encouraged to bring shared school classroom supplies on this day and swing by the PTA table after meeting their teacher. We will have school spiritwear, stickers and other goodies for sale, as well as information about membership and volunteer opportunities.

Back to School Tea

After drop off on the first day of school, the Mission PTA hosts an informal breakfast for parents and caregivers in the multi-purpose (MP) room. Coffee, tea, and a variety of breakfast treats are provided.

Back to School Nights

A couple weeks into the school year, the school hosts three Back to School Nights — one for kindergarten families, one for 1st-3rd grades and one for 4th-6th grades. At Back to School Nights you will receive important information from your teachers about the upcoming school year and have the opportunity to sign up for various volunteer positions that are specific to your grade/classroom. While children are always welcome, this event is geared towards parents and caregivers, and many families leave their children at home for this night.


At the beginning of every school year, the Mission PTA organizes our Missionwear sale, sale, during which families can purchase that year’s exclusive spiritwear design. The Mission community votes for their favorite design each spring at Open House, and the winning design is unveiled in August around the first week of school. Note: Each class also usually does their own grade level shirt!

Opening Unit Activities

The opening unit of each school year incorporates a theme that will be shared in different ways through the entire school. The subject of this unit is chosen by the teaching team and many activities are designed with the topic in mind. Whether it is art related, community based, or any other topic, each grade participates in lessons centered on that theme.

Centers Day

At the end of the opening unit study period (usually mid to late Sept.) the entire school participates in Centers Day where experts on Opening Unit subjects are brought in to the school and make a series of presentations to the various grade levels on some aspect of the subject. Students will move through various classrooms and outdoor centers as the day progresses.

Culmination Day

One week after Centers Day, the Opening Unit “culminates” with each grade demonstrating what they’ve learned about the subject with an outdoor all-school Friday morning performance. This is Culmination Day. Families are invited to attend a pancake breakfast that morning before school (which is traditionally hosted by 2nd grade) and then stay to watch the show. The students will perform by grade on the blacktop, starting with Kindergarten. And if you are able, stick around
until the end to see the always entertaining performance by the teachers and staff. NOTE: You will need your own chair! This is one of Mission’s “must see” events and is very well attended. So, get there early and stake out your spot to get the best vantage point.

Walk/Bike to School Day

Mission participates in National Walk to School Day every October. All Mission families are invited to join us at Mission North Park (3344 Mission Avenue in Carmichael, 95608) at 8:00am. CHP assigns officers to support the event and keep our students safe. The officers lead our parade of walkers and bikers as they walk down Mission Avenue towards school. Upon arrival at the school, the PTA provides light refreshments for all walkers and bike riders (regardless of whether they walked with the group or not).

Fun Run

A Fun Run in the fall transforms our Mission field into a racetrack for students with this awesome school fundraiser where funds are used for grade-level field trip costs. Parent and caregiver volunteers will be needed to make the event a success. And we encourage families to come watch, cheer and/or run with their kids. Students will run, dance and skip to high-energy music while being cheered on and having fun!


Every fall, the Mission PTA hosts its annual Fall Carnival. Each grade hosts and staffs a booth–including the ever popular cake walk–and community members set up tables to showcase their wares. This is a fun, family friendly event that you don’t want to miss. There is no fee to attend, but tickets are required for most activities.

Storybook Parade

Every Halloween, Mission students get to come to school in costume and participate in our “Storybook Parade.” It’s always a great secret what storybook the Kindergarten teachers will represent with their costumes. They never disappoint! Every child, whether in costume or not, gets to parade around the school and be cheered by kids, parents and caregivers alike. The parade begins shortly after the bell rings. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to stick around after drop off to watch the parade and of course to take pictures! The PTA usually hosts a Mission community costume swap in late September!! Stay tuned for more details.

Wreath Fundraiser

Every November, Mission students sell fresh holiday wreaths from Oregon. These high quality wreaths last for months, and will stay fresh, green and fragrant throughout the holiday season. This fundraiser is different from all other fundraisers at Mission, in that the proceeds go directly to the student’s personal field trip expenses. Mission’s many overnight field trips can be quite expensive, and this gives students the opportunity to offset those fees.

Book Fair

Every year, usually in early December, Mission hosts its annual book fair. During the week of the fair, our school library transforms into a magical place where our students can explore the world of books. All proceeds go directly to support the school library. Parents and caregivers are welcome to come and shop at the fair during certain predetermined times. Parents and caregivers can also load their child’s “e-wallet” with money so they can independently shop the fair at recess and lunch. We also welcome donations to a Book Fair e-wallet that we use to provide books for students in need.

Author Day

Every year, Mission students get to learn more about what it takes to be an author during Author Day. Sponsored by the Mission PTA, Mission students will have the opportunity to meet the featured author(s), hear them read their works, and learn what it means to be an author. The PTA works with publishers to get discounts so our families can purchase the author’s books at a reduced cost. The authors also autograph books so students can take home a keepsake of this special day. Students can bring their own books from home or purchase one of our limited number of books for sale on
Author Day.

All School Play

Every other year (even years in spring), the Mission PTA brings students an opportunity to participate in an all-school musical. Participation is voluntary and no interested student is turned away. Children may be actors, singers, dancers or participate in the “tech crew” where they learn the art of stage production, lights, sets, costumes and sound. The 2-3 month rehearsal schedule culminates in two performances at the El Camino High School Performing Arts Center.


Every other year (odd years in spring), the Mission PTA coordinates a fundraising auction. It is an adults-only night of food, music and fun that raises a significant portion of the PTA’s funds for the subsequent two years. Donations are solicited from Mission families and the surrounding community. They are then offered that night for auction or raffle. By far the most intriguing auction items are the classroom created items. Each class typically creates an amazing and memorable item that some lucky adult can bid on and bring home. Teachers also offer student experiences that can be purchased (pool and dance parties hosted by teachers, exclusive teacher-led movie trips, etc).

Reading Challenge

Every spring during this week-long event, students are encouraged to read as many minutes as possible and complete fun reading challenges. Our main objective is to inspire students to read more and foster a lifelong love of books. Individual student and classroom prizes will be awarded based on total minutes read. Depending on progress towards our fundraising goals during the year, this event may or may not include a fundraising component. Collecting donations and pledges is always voluntary, and is not required to participate or win prizes.

Open House

Every spring, Mission students showcase their hard work during our annual Open House. This fun evening is a family affair. Teachers open their classrooms and display student projects, and parents, grandparents, and caregivers get a peek behind the curtain to see what their students have been working on over the course of the school year.

Restaurant Fundraisers

Once a month, the Mission PTA hosts a restaurant fundraiser in collaboration with local area restaurants. These events are a great excuse not to cook dinner, and Mission gets a portion of the proceeds to support PTA programs. Whether you dine in or take out, it’s always fun to see familiar faces (including teachers!) at the restaurant. Keep an eye out for the flyers that go home with your students about a week before the events!

Family Nights

The Mission PTA hosts free Family Fun Nights throughout the year. Past events have included movie night, scavenger hunts, bowling, bingo, and more! Keep an eye out for announcements throughout the year and plan to join us for these fun FREE family events.

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

Thank you for all you do!

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids! 

- Jennifer Boulanger

Mission Avenue Open School PTA

- Jennifer Boulanger

The unwavering commitment and support for the Mission Community from these volunteers cannot be conveyed with words. Thank you for all that you do to serve your community and our kids!