Help us make our 2023 Bon Voyage Auction a success!

The Mission Avenue School Auction will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at the Milagro Event Center in Carmichael. It is the biggest fundraiser for our school and is the reason our community is able to create “Mission Magic.”

Funds raised at the auction help support field trips, engaging learning in outdoor spaces, technology, integrating arts, music and science, and continually working to build and grow as a community.

What makes this event so special? The unique items that are up for auction! Our fundraising goal is $35,000! Our mission community is filled with hidden talents and generous hearts and with your support we know we can make our goal!

Donating is easy, tax deductible, and supports not only your student(s), but future students!

You can help us make this auction a success by donating of the following items, goods, or services:

The donation form can be downloaded here, or you can submit your donation information online at

Donation items must be received by February 24, 2023.

Questions? Curious about volunteering? Do you have a connection with a local business who you think would support our efforts by donating an item or become a sponsor? Please contact the Amy McCuaig and Natalie Oceguera Auction Committee Co-Chairs at

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